VILLAGERS have been celebrating the rejection of a controversial plan by Real Housewives of Cheshire star Dawn Ward.

Mrs Ward had planned to turn part of her £13.5m home into a wedding venue and despite recommending acceptance of the plan by East Cheshire Council officers the planning committee had other ideas and threw it out.

The plans had been attacked by Great Warford Parish Council, Nether Alderley Parish Council and Little Warford Parish Council who complained about increased levels of noise and traffic in the Green Belt and knock effects to surrounding areas.

A total of 236 people in neighbouring properties also raised objections with just one in support of the proposal.

The change of use from a dwelling with offices to dwelling with function room and ancillary facilities include 19 double bedrooms enabling up to 38 wedding guests to stay overnight on site on the 12.5 acre site. It also includes the construction of a previously approved extension with glazed links to the property.

Under the plan a total of 100 events annually would have been held in one of the sleepiest parts of the Cheshire countryside, including 60 weddings.

It would have involved people, (up to 130) being shipped in to weddings, bootcamps conferences and seminars in mini buses and vehicles, because of limited parking at the hall.