PUPILS, staff and governors at Wilmslow Prep School are celebrating their ‘excellent’ news.

The school has again received the highest grade possible from school inspectors following an inspection in June.

The Educational Quality Inspection reports on the quality of the school’s work and focuses on two key outcomes: the achievement of pupils, including their academic development, and the personal development of the pupils.

The key findings of the report state that the quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent, as is the quality of the pupils’ personal development.

Headteacher Helen Rigby said: “Everyone who is part of the Wilmslow Prep family knows this is a very special school and we were delighted to receive an ‘excellent’ judgement against every aspect.”

The inspectors said pupils have highly positive attitudes to their work, make excellent progress in their academic subjects, excel in games and creative activities, have highly developed communication skills, their behaviour is excellent and benefit from the atmosphere and expectations created by the school.

Helen added: “The report reaffirms that Wilmslow Prep is an exceptional school, offering pupils much more than just an outstanding education.

“We take a nurturing approach, and expect much of our pupils, who respond well and thoroughly enjoy their time at school, all of which was recognised and lauded by the inspectors.”

During the visit the inspectors observed lessons, conducted interviews with pupils and examined their work.

They held discussions with staff and a school governor, observed a sample of extra-curricular activities and attended assemblies.

They also analysed responses from parents and pupils to a pre-inspection questionnaire.