A PROJECT to recycle bikes sitting unused in garages and sheds has been hailed a huge success.

More than 70 were donated from families across Knutsford, raising more than £1,500 for Age UK.

Volunteers are making a fresh appeal for more bikes to help more Ukrainian and other refugees living in the area.

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Gerard McCreesh and Mike Goldman launched the initiative just over a year ago in the Knutsford Guardian.

Gerard volunteers at Age UK, where he tests electrical items before sale.

Mike has been a member of Knutsford Lions for more than 20 years.

Gerard said: “Publicity by the Lions and Mike’s letter to the Knutsford Guardian has produced a wonderful response.

“The bikes, which came in all shapes, sizes and conditions, were either sold by Age UK or donated to Ukrainian and other refugees living in the area.

“Over 70 bikes have been donated and our thanks go out to all the good folk who have supported us.

“Each bike is cleaned, refurbished and checked for road worthiness before being passed on.”

Gerard still helps local refugees by keeping their bikes in good order.

Knutsford Lions supports the project by covering the costs of replacement parts.

Mike said: “We had no idea we would receive such an overwhelming response.

“People are very kind.

"I collected one bike from a lady whose husband had a severe stroke.

“We want to say a big thank you to everyone.

"Families say they receive a warm feeling knowing that something useful is happening to the bikes.

“There is now a need for more bikes to help refugees.

“Everyone offering to donate a bike will be contacted by me.”

Anyone wishing to donate a bike can call Mike on 07842 756617 or email anmic@talktalk.net