April is ‘Stress Awareness Month’ in the UK.

This entire month is dedicated to raising awareness about the causes and impacts of stress, as well as promoting healthy coping mechanisms.

So, I will be covering various aspects of this subject over the next couple of weeks.

You may have heard the expression ‘stress is a killer’, and that can be true. Too much stress can be very bad for us.

Virtually any medical condition can be exacerbated by stress. Things can take longer to heal and repair if we are stressed.

Too much stress can also prevent us from sleeping well, which is essential when our body needs to rest, if we have been unwell.

Put simply, when we face a stressful situation, our bodies enter a 'fight-or-flight' mode. This automatic response, orchestrated by hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, is designed to help us deal with immediate threats.

This is really useful, when we are facing potential danger, and need to act without thinking about it.

Problems can arise if we are constantly on high alert, perhaps because of an ongoing stressful situation, be that at home, work or elsewhere in our lives.

Chronic (long-term) stress keeps this system firing on all cylinders, which can take its toll on our minds and bodies.

It’s not all bad news though! In fact, some stress can actually be good for you.

Think of that jolt of adrenaline that gets you going in the morning – that’s stress hormones kicking in, sharpening your focus, and preparing you for the day ahead.

This 'good stress', also known as eustress, can be a powerful motivator. It can push you to meet deadlines, ace that presentation, or train for a race.

It fuels our ambition and helps us achieve our goals. This sense of accomplishment can be incredibly rewarding, boosting our confidence and self-esteem.

Facing new challenges can be stressful, it takes us outside of our comfort zone, and we perceive most change as a threat.

If you think about all the major things in our lives, which we look forward to, they are also the most stressful for many of us.

Things such as buying a house, moving to a new area, getting married, changing jobs, learning to drive.

However, these things also trigger the release of hormones that enhance memory and learning. So, carefully stepping outside your comfort zone can lead to significant personal and professional growth.

The trick is finding that sweet spot, the optimal level of stress that motivates us without overwhelming us. That is something I will be looking at in next week’s column.

If you run any type of mental health and well-being support group in and around the area, then please let me know about it, so that I may include details in a future column.

Martin Furber is a therapist qualified in various modalities and an Instructor Member of Mental Health First Aid England. wellbeing@martinfurber.com

If you are in any type of mental health crisis please contact your GP, go to A&E, call the Samaritans on 116 123 or text SHOUT to 85258